Wednesday 25 February 2015

Freebies : Blogskin Page

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone..Like what I had promised on my previous post, I'm gonna give a blog page for a blogskin as a freebies for you guys...

This is how the skin look

I type the code all by myself and it took me a long time to finish coding it.. So, I hope you guys will appreciate my effort and follow below rule before using this skin..

The Rules :
My first blog skin preview skin... hope you'll like it...don't remove the credit ! don't use this skin as a base code! don't copy anything in this skin without proper credit...
Edit this skin as much as you want as long as the credit remains...

How to use this skin?
Firstly make a new Blog skin blog...Then, revert the blog into classic template (at the bottom of template page) Then, copy and paste the code of this skin into the template code box...
Lastly,preview and save...

How to Edit this skin ?
Click ctrl + F on your keyboard and search for
IMAGEURL then, replace the text with your blogskin thumbnail URL
TITLE then, replace the text with your blogskin name
DESCRIPTION then replace the text with skin description
PREVIEWURL then replace the text with your skin preview URL
POSTURL then replace the text with skin entry URL

Do comment if u are using this skin


  1. it looks so cute !! thank you for sharing ^^/

  2. nak guna effect gambar tu ye.....

  3. sweetie, sya follow your tutors and freebies ok? =)
    i'll credit you <3

  4. Saya guna yaa. This is so beautiful, saya suka!

  5. i used your template. i am newbie. this is very helpful.thank you

  6. Skincare line that sells anti aging products, and skin bleaching cream.

  7. Best way to treat Hyperpigmentation - best treatment for hyperpigmentation

    Now and then dull spots show up in your skin because of the overproduction of melanin and these dim are named as hyperpigmentation. The can be different purposes behind hyperpigmentation, for example, wounds to the skin, skin break out, and sun harm. It tends to be seen for the most part on the darker skin of individuals who invests more energy in the sun. In any case, it isn't constrained to the darker skin no one but anybody can create it. A few instances of hyperpigmentation are liver spots, age spots, sun spots, spots, and melisma.

  8. hi thank you! i am using one of your blogskin rn <3

  9. hi! i use your template. thanks a lot ya :)
